Mobile first indexing has been the new talk of town recently when it comes to SEO and Google Ads. And whether you believe it or not, this has had a huge impact in the SEO world in recent times. But how, you might be asking now. We’ll get to that soon. In this article we’ll briefly go over what is Mobile first indexing, and what things should you be aware of. Apart from this, there is not much that there is to be understood, unless you do a really deep dive in this context, around what this implies for the normal entrepreneur.
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What is Mobile First Indexing?
Mobile first indexing, as the name suggests, is when the mobile version of your website is indexed first by the Google crawl-bots. In simple terms, this means that when working on indexing and ranking a website, Google will prioritize the mobile version of a website than its desktop counterpart. But Why!!! What is the point of all this?
To understand this, you must first understand the impact of smartphones in today’s world. There was a time when “surfing the web” was very exclusive to computers and desktops. A time when the phrase “surfing the web” was actually used! But jokes aside, today everything from browsing the internet, passing time on social media, and what not, everything is done over a smartphone. This change has led to this mobile first indexing, where Google now prioritizes websites according to their mobile versions, since that is the one that is most likely to be accessed by the consumer.
And when you actually think about it, it makes a lot of sense. It is really convenient to have an optimized mobile version of a website since more often than not anyone accessing that website would be on a mobile phone.
What does this mean for you as a business?
The first thing to realize with this change is that many websites in today’s world are already responsive in nature, which means they can automatically take their optimized form depending on the kind of device they are being accessed on. According to Google’s own latest guidance on the topic, if your website is responsive or generally indistinguishable in its desktop and mobile versions, you may not need to do anything differently.
However, if you do have a separate mobile version for your website, you will need to check the following:
Content: You have to ensure that all of the best content from the desktop version of the site are still incorporated into the mobile version of the site. Make sure the configurations are such that it is index-able and crawl-able.
Metadata: Make sure that the Meta titles and descriptions are comparable on both.
Social Metadata: OpenGraph tags, Twitter cards as well as other social media metadata should be available on the mobile site as well.
Search Console Verification: Just like the desktop version, be sure to check your mobile site in Google Search Console.
App Indexation: For any app indexation set up for a desktop site, make sure to confirm the same with the mobile version.
Server Capacity: Make sure that your host servers can deal with expanded crawl rate.
So, is there anything that you should be worried about?
No, Not really. If you have a website that was recently created, you can be sure that the website is more often than not, responsive. It means that your website is already optimized for most devices available.
However, if you do need to know and understand more about this stuff in depth including other information relating to SEO, check out the best SEO Package Delhi.